Thursday, 21 June 2012

Food for thought......

So as you may have noticed, I haven’t been posting a hell of a lot over the past 6 months, reasons for this ranging from the silly to the serious, I wont delve into to many details of my personal life, because 1. I don’t want my life splashed all over the internet and 2. Because you clearly won’t be interested.
 All I wanted to tell you was that, I will be back very soon, I am trying to get some of my creativity back, I am slowly recovering from what the last 6 months has brought me. No, I haven’t been ill and no Im not dying, I just made decisions in my life that changed my perspective and what I should do with life, writing is definitely something I have missed. Something that I will definitely carry on doing in the near future.
In other words, I am basically apologising for my absence and telling you the reader (if there are any of you out there) that I will be starting to post very soon.
Im sure your probably thinking to yourself, why did he write all that rubbish at the top, well the answer is, I need to VENT! So thanks for listening
Speak Soon!

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